Saturday, September 7, 2019

Supergrass reunite in London

Britpop hearts melted last night as Supergrass reunited and played their first show together in almost 10 years. The reunion rumors had picked up steam over the last couple of weeks after Glastonbury festival bigwig Michael Eavis revealed a "big name band" would be reuniting and playing his Pilton Party event in London. As it turned out, the Supergrass prediction proved true as the foursome hit the stage in London and ripped through an 11 song set filled with classics.

The reunion wasn't just a one-off event -- another "surprise" Supergrass show takes place in London on September 9th and considering the band have been tagging social media with #Supergrass2020, it appears even more is in store for next year.

Published September 7th, 2019