Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Tim Pope on The Cure's 40th anniversary concert film + Cure documentary

The Cure's feature concert film Anniversary 1978 - 2018 Live In Hyde Park London will be screened in theaters worldwide tomorrow, July 11th.

The film's director Tim Pope, who not only directed most of the Cure's iconic music videos but also The Cure's first concert film The Cure In Orange, was profiled today in The Quietus. The feature includes commentary about the anniversary film as well as a listing of Pope's favorite Cure videos.

Pope also had a few words on the Cure documentary that Robert Smith announced almost two years ago. The documentary, according to NME's recent feature on The Cure, is on the back burner for now but Pope gave a little more insight into the project:

"What you have to understand with Robert Smith is you go into Robert time and that doesn't necessarily relate to other time spans in the universe, if you like. And that's fair enough. Why should he do anything? He doesn't have to do anything. We decided to put out information because he was getting fed up and I was getting fed up with people writing to me every fifteen minutes, asking whether they could do this Cure documentary. It's very obvious that I'm going to do it!

To be a fan, to actually see this footage at that moment before he becomes who he was, it's amazing. So really, Robert is going to give me access to fifty boxes of film, of stuff, right from the get-go, which is amazing. And we're going to pool all the resources together. That's all great. When it's going to happen, no idea. That's the bad news."

Read the full feature on Tim Pope here.

The highly anticipated concert film The Cure - Anniversary 1978 - 2018 Live In Hyde Park London has been described as "enchanting" and a must see for Cure fans. Head here to view the list of participating theaters.

Detroit area screenings

Jul 11 -- Sterling Heights, MI @ AMC Forum
Jul 11 -- Windsor, ON @ Silvercity Windsor Cinemas

Jul 23 -- Ann Arbor, MI @ Michigan Theater

Published July 10th, 2019