...hang the dj

...hang the dj is a music blog. Old school, shoegaze, psych, and darkwave are featured genres.

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...hang the dj

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...hang the dj

...hang the dj is a music blog. Old school, shoegaze, psych, and darkwave are featured genres.

Legal disclaimer: This blog is my personal, independent website. It is not affiliated with Bell Media, nor does it represents the thoughts, opinions, desires, etc of Bell Media

For music submissions, press releases, or questions/concerns:

hangthedjmag (at) gmail.com

Or hit me up on Twitter: @CristinaRocks

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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

A new interview with Morrissey has been published by author and Moz fan Fiona Dodwell. The interesting interview touched on many of the usual topics including vegetarianism, politics, and the music industry, but also tackled questions about social media, songwriting, his greatest hits collection This Is Morrissey, and vinyl vs streaming. Some highlights from This Is Morrissey: An Interview:

Morrissey claims his solo career has been "disregarded because The Smiths were so good" and is annoyed that his music isn't played on the radio, claiming "it's still easier to get hit by lightning than be played on radio."

Though there isn't a DVD release currently in the works, Morrissey films all of his concerts and has amassed quite a collection.

He's very excited about his upcoming greatest hits collection This Is Morrissey, and said he had a hard time choosing which songs from his underrated catalogue to include:

"It's difficult to choose because so many of the songs are fantastic. The album is so full of life, and worthy questions, and great choruses, and quite playful."

On songwriting:

"No one hears the vocal melody until we are recording the song in the studio. We don't ever rehearse, or jam, or even discuss song directions. A studio is booked and we turn up. No one knows anything until the producer presses Record. It's an edginess that usually works. I haven't ever sat together with the band, just strumming through ideas. Even the actual key is unknown until the day of recording."

His thoughts on social media:

"People have an urgent need to express their ... well, it isn't disapproval, it's hatred... like drivers giving you the middle-finger as they speed off at 100mph. If they didn't have such a quick getaway they wouldn't do it. It seems to be the number one human emotion now ... social media shaming."

Read the full fascinating interview with Morrissey here via Roberto Ferdenzi.

As previously reported, This Is Morrissey will be released on July 6th through Parlophone/Warner/Sire. Pre-order info has not yet been announced.

Published June 5th, 2018