Monday, October 8, 2012

How to destroy angels - Keep It Together

Trent Reznor debuted a new song from How to destroy angels on BBC Radio 1 today. The track "Keep It Together" serves as the first single from the six-song ep An Omen, which arrives November 13th.  Stream "Keep It Together" below and download it for free here. A higher quality digital download is available to purchase on iTunes and Amazon

During the Radio One broadcast, Zane Lowe did a short interview with Trent Reznor. The audio archive is available here (forward in to ~ 46 minutes in). The gist of what Reznor said is posted below:

Zane Lowe asked about working on How to destroy angels:

Trent: Yeah, we've been working on this kind of in the shadows throughout the Social Network and Girl With The Dragon Tattoo since the core people are kind of all in the same area. We've just been chipping away at this thing and it's been a nice pressure release valve really to have something to dump this energy into. It doesn't fit the other containers. It's been fun.

Lowe asked why just an ep and not a full album?

Trent: A lot of what's on the EP or part of what's on the EP is taken from a full length record that's 98% finished. That's scheduled for a firm release at the beginning of next year. We've just been playing around with the way people consume music and listen to it and how big the chunks are, but I think coming off of releasing the Dragon Tattoo clocked in at two hours...let's do something more manageable, digestible in little bits.

Lowe played "Keep It Together" then after premiering the song discussed how he likes the heavy elements but it's not too "overcooked"

Trent: That's the experiment's intention: restraint and silence and space. Things that weren't fully explored in Nine Inch Nails. It's been fun to really dabble in it.

Lowe asked about if this is the happiest time of his life (being a father, married, having his own studio, calling his own shots, etc)

Trent: It feels pretty good you know, I've really the last few years been able to try to start getting to the list that's been growing over the years of things I said I wanted to do but never got around to doing because of my full time job. And for the things that people have seen like the filmwork, there's been a handful of things that failed, that's part of the process of trying things - the musical and non- musical that sometimes don't work out but it's what feels good about it is, I'm finally getting to those challenges and it's an interesting time.

The interview ended with Trent saying "there's a lot going on here, all will be revealed soon."

Again the audio archive is here (scroll in to ~ 46 minutes in).