Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Morrissey rescues elderly lady in NYC

On Monday, Strand Bookstore in New York City sent out this tweet:

At first, it seemed kind of a far-fetched story, but apparently it was true! Queerty reports that Morrissey was in the store minding his own business looking at photography books when suddenly an elderly lady collapsed nearby. Queerty's source reports Moz rushed over to her, but it turned out she was fine:

"He picked up her stray belongings and asked if he could get her some water or call for help. She declined and collected her things and moved on...He seemed very shaken up and flustered by the incident and left the store soon afterwards without buying anything."

Read the full report in Queerty.

Morrissey is hanging out in NYC sharpening his Superman skills preparing for his North American tour. The tour kicks off October 5th in Boston and will be hitting various stops across the country. Tickets for most of the shows (including the October 26th stop at the Whiting Auditorium in Flint) are available here.

Moz won't trip you up or laugh when you fall...