Sunday, August 12, 2012

Data Run - Ian McCulloch + Morrissey & Johnny Marr

In 1984 a children's program called Data Run aired on television in the U.K. One of the show's segments was apparently a question/answer type of feature where the kiddies would ask a celebrity guest questions. The Smiths and Ian McCulloch were among the guests who appeared on episodes of the show and you can watch the awesomeness below:

Data Run w/ Ian McCulloch

Data Run w/ Morrissey and Johnny Marr (note incorrect graphic: "Paul Morressey")

Can you imagine Ian McCulloch or Morrissey consenting to appear on a kids show nowadays? For some reason, I could easily picture Johnny Marr agreeing to it and being a great sport.

By the way, the theme to Data Run was written by Vince Clarke and sung by Alison Moyet (aka Yaz/Yazoo):

Published on August 12, 2012 @ 8:31 PM