Thursday, August 16, 2012

Brian Eno - The Man Who Fell To Earth

A 2010 documentary on Brian Eno which explores Eno's early days in Roxy Music and his remarkable solo career has appeared on You Tube.  Watch Brian Eno - 1971 -1977: The Man Who Fell To Earth below. 

By the way, Oblique Strategies (the deck of cards with motivational ideas designed to help musicians in the studio) is still available today. The first edition of cards was published by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt in 1975 and is extremely rare, however subsequent editions are floating around on Ebay, albeit for a considerable amount of money. Eno is selling the most recent edition of Oblique Strategies on his official website for a reasonable price.

Envelop yourself in the glammy awesomeness of Roxy Music below.  The live performance of "Ladytron" is taken from the band's 1972 appearance on the BBC show Old Grey Whistle Test.  Bonus: the video begins with a closeup of a mirror ball.  Good times!