Monday, July 9, 2012

My Bloody Valentine's Loveless - Greatest Rock Album?

Last week, pop-culture/sports zine Grantland wrote an article on My Bloody Valentine's classic 1991 album Loveless and argued it is the greatest rock album released since 1990.  The feature is a good summary of the band for those unfamiliar, plus the piece goes on to delve into a discussion of reader polls/greatest album lists, leading to the following statement:

"It also explains why we tend to carve up music history along generational lines. (People are physically incapable of accurately judging the greatness of music that was released before they turned 13 and after they turned 35.)"

Mull that over for a moment, then head on over to read Bloody But Unbowed here.

FYI, My Bloody Valentine reissued Loveless, Isn't Anything, and EPs 1998 - 1991 back in June (available on import in the U.S.) and around that time Kevin Shields also revealed new music from MBV will be released later this year.  We're waiting, Kevin!

"Only Shallow"