Saturday, December 3, 2011


Much to the dismay of fans in Oakland, California, Morrissey canceled his show there this past Thursday due to an eye injury sustained by one of the members in his band. Maybe it was a lost contact lens or something, because the injury won't impact any of the other dates on the tour.

Regardless, the news is a major disappointment to fans in Oakland because Moz canceled a show there in 2009 (and was later spotted at a BAR the evening of the cancellation according to reports) so tempers flared big time. Some fans in the area were so incensed by Morrissey's latest cancellation that local radio station Live 105 aired some prank promos on the station featuring a Morrissey impersonator. To give you an idea of what aired:

"Hello, Bay Area. This is Morrissey. Regrettably, I need to cancel my show tonight because, well, quite frankly, I’m old, I’m losing my hair, I haven’t eaten meat or gotten laid in decades.”


"Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now"