Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pixies review by SW3000

The Pixies were in town Friday at the Fox Theater. If you missed it, music legend SW3000 wrote an exclusive review of the show. Here it is:

Show was great. They sounded a hundred times better than they did at the state when I saw them 5-6 years ago. Not sure if it was the venue or that they've been playing together again for so long now. Couple highlights: Frank's (or Black's I'm not sure what name he's using now) was awesome. He can still do all the screams. And Joey's guitaring was cool. They started out with 4 b-sides and then they did the whole Doolittle album from 1-15 right in a row. Stuff I really liked from Doolittle: Tame, Dead, #13 Baby, There goes my gun. Then they left and came back for an encore.
Highlights of the encore were Umass and Into the white and for that song they had a fog machine so you couldn't see the band for most of the song. Then they wrapped it up with Where is my mind and Gigantic.

Sound was great at the fox I really have no complaints other than I thought the drums could be a little louder. There's two things I can criticize, one was the length of the show. I think the total length of playing was probably less than an 1:30. I just saw a bunch of almost 60 year olds (rush) and they played for over two hours. They could easily have played for 2 hours, it's not like they're lacking for material. Also Kim Deal did all the chatting between songs. Frank didn't say one thing, which I thought was kind of annoying. Anyways it was cool.

Talk to you later. sw3000